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About the Program
Nearly 160,000 of your neighbors are saving energy and saving money with EmPower+ without spending a dime. Whether you own your home or rent, we will assess if your home would benefit from
no-cost energy upgrades such as:
Home energy assessment to identify areas of possible energy improvements
Review and adjust your thermostat setting for maximum comfort and savings
Check and adjust your hot water temperature
Evaluate the need for high efficiency showerheads and aerators, and install if needed
Measure the energy use of your refrigerators and freezers. These may be replaced with new ENERGY STAR models, at no cost to you, if your old appliances use a lot of energy
Check for carbon monoxide and evaluate the need for CO and smoke detectors​​
Water-saving showerheads
Depending on your energy use, we may also evaluate the need for additional measures to reduce your heating cost.
Get Started
Download, complete, and mail in application [PDF]
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